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Especially when I travel, some of the hotels in some of the areas that I’ve been in, don’t have CNBC on their cable. I am able to watch it even when I don’t get it on cable.
There are two more things that I want to show you. One is how to set up your own little list, here. All you have to do is click on any one of these little wheels here. You can create a new watch list. Let’s call this IVD Movers list.
For example, if I wanted to put in stocks from Investors’ Business Daily, from the IBD 100 – let’s say the number one stock right now is BUCY. I can put that in there, and just keep a list of the Number 1, Number 2, Number 3 stock in the IBD 100. I can keep an eye on what they’re doing, here.
These are the top 3, right now. We can take a look at these, so you can have your own watch list here, set up any way that you want. If you want to get a graph of it, all you have to do is right click on it, and go to TOS charts, or you can go to profit. It will bring it right up for you. You can keep an eye on it, and you’re all set.
That is a very nice thing. You can bring up your own personal list. You can bring up some public lists. You can bring up the Dow 30, if you want. You can also bring up Top 10 lists of the Top 10 gainers on the NASDAQ. You can go to specific industries. Let’s say that you think finance, insurance, and real estate is starting to hit a bottom, and you wanted to go in and take a look at some of the real estate, or go into some of the insurance carriers, on the non-depository credit institutions.
All you have to do is just select the industry that you want to go into. You can drill down, all the way down to any list that you want. You can bring up any industry that you want.
You can create your own news list. You can create a news scan query. You can bring up this query box, which is the same thing under the stock anchor box. Let’s say you want to take a look at a stock that’s over $10, but you want to make sure that the volume is at least a million in shares. You want to have a stock that really is going to move, so you want a beta of 2 or better.
Remember, a beta of 1 is going to be a stock that actually matches the movement of the market. If you select a stock that has a beta of 1 or better – or 2, in this case – then it moves twice as fast as the market.
You can save that. We can name this. We’ll call it “Movers.” There you go. It will bring up all the stocks that have a beta of 2 or better, trading at a million shares or more, and/or are over $10. You can do lots of different things. You can have watch lists here, but like I said in the portfolio building CD, I show you exactly how I pick my stocks to trade for wealth building, and the indexes that I use for the monthly income series.
That’s the TOS platform. I would suggest that you really get used to it, because it’s awesome. The one last thing that I wanted to show you is the question mark thing over here.
This little symbol gives you all the contact information for TOS, if you have any questions. They have other website links here, for different things. They also have a number of narrated walkthroughs in Windows QuickTime and Flash formats. They go through, in detail, all of the tabs, charts, and the quotes. It’s absolutely awesome.
The things that you can do with this platform were unheard of, just a few years ago. Certainly, an absolutely incredible benefit to traders today. A few years ago, you just could not get this information. It should help you significantly, in becoming an extremely profitable trader.
This is really a new era for traders and investors – at least, retail traders and investors. Many of the market makers have had this information for a very long time, but now traders and investors are also able to access this information. It was really not available to a retail trader, unless you had a really sophisticated platform out there, that would cost you hundreds, and maybe even thousands, of dollars a month in fees to access.
Now it’s accessible, through the TOS platform. That’s why I love TOS.
Anyway, that’s the Using TOS information that I have for you today. If you have any questions, go to this Questions tab over here. Look for the Question mark tab, and take a look at all the videos that they have. Utilize these walkthroughs. Really get used to using this platform.
The way I suggest that you should do that, especially with a trading platform, is in the Trading platform, the Analyzing platform, and the profit charts. Those three tabs are the ones that I use all the time, because I select trades, I analyze them, I determine my support and resistance points, especially for the monthly trades, and that’s how I use this platform to make money on a monthly basis.
Alright, guys. Trade with confidence.