A Few Peices of Advice Before You Learn To Trade Options

If you don’t have the money to learn to trade options by trial and error, get some solid trading advice in this video from Pirouz Hendi, stocks strategist for HFT Stocks & Options. In the video, Pirouz shares three important trading basics to keep in mind before you make your investment.

1. Find your particular niche in the market. Because there are so many different areas of the financial industry that you can work in, choosing a sector that you have a passion for will benefit you in the long run.

2. Find an experienced trader who you trust to act as your mentor. In choosing a mentor, it’s important to find someone who works in your area of the market and shares your personal style of trading.

3. Gain personal experience in the market. No matter how many books you’ve read or lectures you’ve attended, nothing will teach you more than actual wins and losses while trading.

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