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That is the introduction to our system. I can tell you without a doubt, that if you’ve never dealt with options or stocks before, this is going to be a very strange process for you. You may have to review this video several times in order to really understand what’s going on, and how we’re doing our trades.
Once you understand exactly what we’re doing, you’re going to see that this is the most profitable system for trading for monthly income in trading for building wealth, that you can possibly find in the market, bar none.
It doesn’t matter what the market does. We can be prepared for it. If the market goes up, if the market goes down, it doesn’t matter. We’re going to make money.
Every once in a while, something weird may happen, and you might lose a little money. I’m not saying that you’re going to be 100% profitable every single month, but you’re going to have the highest probability of being profitable, than any other system out on the market today.
I’m not saying that you’re going to make millions and millions of dollars with this, either. This is not what this system is about. If you want to try to shoot for the moon, and try to make millions of dollars, on a thousand dollar bet, then go ahead and buy a call option on a stock you think is going to double in price. That’s an extremely low probability event that will probably never happen. You can spend lots of thousands of dollars of bets, and not have any money returned to you.
That’s exactly how the majority of stock investors, and especially option investors, go after this market. They think, “Oh, it’s only a thousand dollars on IBM.” And then what happens? IBM doesn’t do anything. It goes down, they lose the entire thousand-dollar bet, and they say, “I’ll get the next one.”
They put another thousand dollars down. They put another thousand dollars down. Maybe, after $10,000 spent, they get one winner that’s $3,000. They still lost $7,000.
I’m not talking about gambling on the market. I’m talking about managing, building, and profiting from a monthly portfolio that will bring you income. Remember, there’s only two absolute rules in the market. Prices will fluctuate, as far as options go. Options will expire.
We profit from both of those. We don’t care what way the market moves. Markets will fluctuate. We are setting up our trade so that prices will fluctuate. We don’t care if they fluctuate. So, we’re taking advantage of rule number one. The second rule is that options expire. We are taking advantage of that by playing options so that they can fluctuate, and profiting from them on a daily basis over time, so that we can make our maximum profit before expiration of those options.
We are taking advantage of the two major, absolute rules of the market. You’re not going to find this information anywhere else. Ever. You’re only going to find it right here. You really have to dig into this material and understand it in order to profit from it, and you are set for life.
You’re going to be able to make a monthly income from the markets. The amount of income that you decide that you want is really just a matter of how much capital you have available to invest. That’s it.
I know my students are generating $5,000, $10,000, $20,000, and $50,000 dollars a month. You can generate as much as you want. If you’re making $2,000 a month at your job, you can easily replace that with an account of just $10,000. 20% returns a month are not impossible.
You may not get that every single month, but you could generate that kind of return on a consistent basis. Maybe over a period of a year, you might have one losing month, or two losing months. If you follow the game plan that we’re showing you for monthly income and wealth-building, there isn’t a better way to trade.
I hope you enjoyed this introduction. We are going to get into real specifics here, on exactly how we set up our trades. The first things that you need to learn are these little guys down here. The Delta, the Gamma, the Theta, and the Vega. We’re going to do our next videos on that, and then we’re going to go right into trade selection in a strategy, and portfolio-building.
These are absolutely the critical components and fundamentals of our system, and how we actually start building trades. If you do need to understand a little more about option contracts, more than what I’ve told you so far, pick up a good book on options. I’ll have some specific recommendations in our members-only website, that you can take a look at. You’ll get to understand exactly what an option contract is, but I think you should have a pretty good foundation at this point.
As always, guys, trade with confidence.